Enoch Wan, Ph.D.
LANGUAGES: English, Cantonese, Mandarin & Hoisan
- Research Professor of Intercultural Studies, Director of Doctor of Intercultural Studies & Director of Doctor of Education Program, Western Seminary, Portland, Oregon, USA
- Past President of EMS (Evangelical Missiological Society, two terms)
- Advisor/Founder – GlobalMissiology.org
- Board Member – Worldwide Bible Society (USA) & Tien Dao Christian Media Association
Mailing address:
Enoch Wan
Western Seminary, 5511 SE Hawthorne Blvd.,
Portland, OR 97215, USA
enochwan.com; www.GlobalMissiology.org
503-517-1804 (Office)
Fax: (503) 517-1801

About Dr. Wan
Enoch Wan has been involved in missioloigical education for over 40 years, including directing doctoral programs for 20 years in two US seminaries. He was involved in church planting in metro-New York in the 1970s and metro-Toronto in the 1990s.
In the 1980s, Enoch and his family were sent by the C&MA Canada to the Philippines and Australia where he served as a teaching missionary. In addition, he served as president of EMS (Evangelical Missiological Society) for two terms and is currently serving as the Executive Vice President Administration of EMS. He is the founder/editor of the multilingual e-Journal Global Missiology. Enoch has authored a dozen books in English and ten books in Chinese, on topics such as diaspora Missiology, Relational Missionary Training, etc.
Degrees Earned
MA, PhD in Anthropology
State University of New York at Stony Brook
MTS., New Testament Studies and Counseling
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences
Nyack College
A Defining Moment
“A real life turning point was coming to New York as a lonely foreign student in 1970 when I learned to trust God for provision and protection and began walking in the Spirit. Those were formative years in life style and academic pursuit.
The history of my family is generations of diaspora: China to Hong Kong to Canada to USA that resulted in the book: Diaspora Missiology: Theory, Methodology, and Practice (2011).
The pursuit and practice of “relational paradigm” (vertical + horizontal relationships, with proper priority and true integrity) is my life-long journey and career development: best exemplified by a recent publication: Relational Missionary Training (2017).”
Wan, Enoch, and Joshua Paxton. Relational Partnerships for Missions Mobilization. Western Academic Publishers, 2022.
Wan, Enoch, and Tom Steffen, Editors. Reflections on 21st Century Orality. Western Academic Press, 2022.
Wan, Enoch, and Jon Raibley. Transformational Change in Christian Ministry Second Edition. Western Academic Publishers, 2022.
Wan, Enoch, and Natalie Kim. Relational Intercultural Training for Practitioners of Business As Mission: Theory and Practice. Western Academic Publishers, 2022.
Wan, Enoch, and Tin Nguyen. A Holistic and Contextualized Mission Training Program: Equipping Lay Leaders for Local Mission in Vietnam. Western Academic Publishers, 2022.
Wan, Enoch, and Rob Penner. Missionary Preparation in The Gospel Of Matthew in Light of 28:16-20: A Narrative and Relational Study. Western Academic Publishers, 2022.
Wan, Enoch, and Jace Cloud. Doxological Missiology: Theory, Motivation, and Practice. Western Academic Publishers, 2022.
Wan, Enoch, and John Ferch. Relational Leadership Development: An Ethnological Study in Inuit Contexts. Western Academic Publishers, 2022.
Chiu, Noel, and Enoch Wan. Establishing Frontline LGBTQ Outreach: An Exploratory Study. Western Academic Publishers, 2022.
Wan, Enoch, and J. David Lopez. The Hispanic Hybrid Identity in Miami: Ethnographic Description and Missiological Implications. Western Academic Publishers, 2021.
Wan, Enoch, and John Jay Flinn. Holistic Mission through Mission Partnership: An Instrumental Case Study in La Ceiba, Honduras. Western Academic Publishers, 2021.
Wan, Enoch, and Howard Shauhau Chen. Marketplace Transformation: Motivating and Mobilizing Chinese Churches in the Silicon Valley for Gospel Transformation. Western Academic Publishers, 2021.
Gimple, Ryan, and Enoch Wan. Covenant Transformative Learning: Theory and Practice for Mission. Western Academic Publishers, 2021.
Early, Alex, and Enoch Wan. The Cross and the Kaleidoscope: Substitutionary Atonement and Our Relationships. Western Academic Publishers, 2021.
Wan, Enoch, and Shane Mikeska. Engaging the Secular World through Life-on-Life Disciple-Making in the British Context: Relational Paradigm in Action. Western Seminary Press, 2020.
Wan, Enoch and Alex Early. The Doctrine of Penal Substitutionary Atonement and The Relational Realism Paradigm for Christian Ministry in the 21st Century. Western Press
Wan, Enoch and Robert Penner. Missionary preparation in the Gospel of Matthew in light of 28:16-20. Western Seminary Press
Wan, Enoch and Tin Nguyen. A Holistic and Contextualized Mission Training Program: Equipping Lay Leaders for Local Mission in Vietnam. Western Seminary Press
Wan, Enoch and J. David Lopez. The Hispanic Hybrid Identity in Miami: Ethnographic Description and Missiological Implications. Western Seminary Press.
Wan, Enoch, Dennis C. Bradford, Leiton E. Chinn, Lisa Espineli Chinn, Sam Green, William Murrel, Katie J. Rawsom, Christopher D. Sneller, Florence PL Tan, and Chin T. Wang. Diaspora Missions to International Students. Western Seminary Press, 2019.
Wan, Enoch, and Mike Hung Lei. Missions Beyond the Diaspora: Local Cross-Cultural Ministry of Chinese Congregations in the San Francisco Bay Area. Western Press, 2019.
Wan, Enoch, and Jacky Lau. Chinese Diaspora Kingdom Workers: In Action and With Guidance. Western Seminary Press, 2019.
Wan, Enoch, and John Kuo. Multiethnic Ministry and Diaspora Missions in Action: A Case Study of the Wu Chang Church of Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Western Press, 2019.
Wan, Enoch, and Mathew Karimpanamannil. A Theology of Spirit-Anointed Witness in Holistic Christian Mission Framed in the Relational Paradigm. Western Press, 2019.
Wan, Enoch, and Jeremiah Chung. Engaging Chinese Diaspora in the Ministry of Bible Translation, 2019.
Wan, Enoch, Dennis C. Bradford, Leiton E. Chinn, Lisa Espineli Chinn, Sam Green, William Murrel, Katie J. Rawsom, Christopher D. Sneller, Florence PL Tan, and Chin T. Wang. Diaspora Missions to International Students. Western Seminary Press, 2019.
Relational Missionary Training: Theology, Theory and Practice Enoch Wan & Mark Hedinger. Sky Forest, CA, Urban Loft Publishers
Theology of Unmerited Relationship. (in Chinese) TienDao Publisher, Hong Kong.
Wan, Enoch, and Anthony Casey. Church Planting among Immigrants in US Urban Centers (Second Edition): The “Where”, “Why”, And “How” of Diaspora. 2 edition. Portland, OR: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016.
Diaspora Missiology: Reflections on Reaching the Scattered Peoples of the World. (Co-editing with Michael Pocock). EMS Series no. 23, William Carey Library, Pasadena, California.
Relational Theology: An Exploratory Study. With Gund Wen-hui (in Chinese) TienDao Publisher, Hong Kong.
Diaspora Missions to Pakistani in Hong Kong. With Abigail Au (in Chinese) TienDao Publisher, Hong Kong.
Diaspora Missiology: Theory, Methodology, and Practice, rev. ed. (Portland, OR: Institute of Diaspora Studies, 2014).
Enoch Wan and Thanh Trung Le, Mobilizing Vietnamese Diaspora for the Kingdom (Portland, OR: Institute of Diaspora Studies, 2014).
Enoch Wan and Ted Rubesh, Wandering Jews and Scattered Sri Lankans: Viewing Sri Lankans of the Gulf Cooperative Council through the Lens of the Old Testament Jewish Diaspora (Portland, OR: Institute of Diaspora Studies, 2014).
Enoch Wan and Elton S. L. Law, The 2011 Triple Disaster in Japan and the Diaspora: Lessons Learned and Ways Forward (Portland, OR: Institute of Diaspora Studies, 2014).
Enoch Wan and Anthony Francis Casey, Church Planting among Immigrants in US Urban Centers: The Where, Why, and How of Diaspora Mis
Yaw Attah Edu-Bekoe and Enoch Wan, Scattered Africans Keep Coming (Portland, OR: Institute of Diaspora Studies, 2013).
Wan, Enoch, and Micheal Pocock, eds. Missions from the Majority World: Progress, Challenges, and Case Studies. Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library, 2013.
Missions in Action in the 21st Century (co-editor with Joy Tira), FIN & IDS-Western, Canada
Diaspora Missiology: Theory, Methodology, and Practice. IDS-USA (Institute of Diaspora Studies), Portland, OR. Revised Edition 2014.
Missions from the Majority World: Progress, Challenges, and Case Studies. (Co-editing with Michael Pocock). EMS Series no. 17, William Carey Library, Pasadena, California
Wan, Enoch. Missions Practice in the 21st Century. Edited by Sadiri Joy Tira. Null edition. Pasadena, CA: William Carey International University Press, 2009.
Christian Witness in Pluralistic Contexts in the 21st Century, William Carey Library, Pasadena, California. 2004
Jewish-Gentile Couples: Trends, Challenges, and Hopes, (co-authored with Tuvya Zaretsky). William Carey Library, Pasadena, California. 2004
Scattered: The Filipino Global Presence (co-editors with Sadiri Joy Tira & Luis Pantoja, Jr., LifeChange Publishing. Manila. 2004
Questions and Answers about Marriage. (in Chinese) –Great Commission Center International & Overseas Campus Magazine, Lomita, California;
Enoch Wan, ed., Missions within Reach: Intercultural Ministries in Canada (Hong Kong: China Alliance Press, 1995.
Wan, Enoch, and Mark Hedinger. “Transformative Ministry for the Majority World Context: Applying Relational Approaches.” EMS Occasional Bulletin (Spring 2018).
“The Practice of Diaspora Missions in Local Congregation: From Beginning to Base” Enoch Wan. Published in www.GlobalMissiology.org January 2017
“The Importance and Significance of Missiological Research – Christian Stewardship in Leadership,” Published in www.GlobalMissiology.org January 2017
“Conflict Paradigm for Theology of Religions” Enoch Wan and Samuel Wang. Published in www.GlobalMissiology.org January 2017
Wan, Enoch. “Inter-Disciplinary and Integrative Missiologicial Research: The ‘What,’ Why,” and ‘How.’” Global Missiology (July 2017).
“Is Allah of the Koran the same as Jehovah of the OT? —Reflection from a Chinese practitioner’s perspective.” Unpublished paper NW EMS meetings, 2015.
“Serving China’s Internal Diaspora: Motive, Means And Methods” Enoch Wan & Joe Dow. Published in www.GlobalMissiology.org January 2016
Enoch Wan and Chandler H. Im, “New Opportunities and Strategic Practices of Diaspora Missions in South Korea” IN Global Diasporas and Mission by Chandler Im & Amos Yong (eds.) University of Edinburgh Century Series. 2014
“Relationship in the 21st Century: Theory and Practice.” EVANGELVISION, March 7, 2014, http://www.gospel-life.net/relationship-in-the-21st-century-theory-and-practice/
“Diaspora Missiology and Beyond: Paths Taken and Ways Forward.” EMS National Conference, Atlanta, GA, September 2014.
Wan, Enoch and Tin V. Nguyen. “Towards a Theology of Relational Mission training – an Application of the Relational Paradigm.” 1 January 2014. www.globalmissiology.org. 10 December 2015. <ojs.globalmissiology.org/index/php/english/article/view/1626>.
“A Warm, but Empty Voice? Reflections on Face-to-Face Interactions.” EVANGELVISION, December 2, 2013, http://www.gospel-life.net/a-warm-but-empty-voice-reflections-on-face-to-face-interactions/
“New Opportunities and Strategic Practices of Diaspora Missions in South Korea,” with Chandler H. Im in Regnum volume on global diaspora and mission.
Regnum’s Edinburgh 2010 Series, edited by Chankler H. Im and Amos Yang.“Diaspora Missions: Global and Local,” Japan Harvest (Summer 2012:10-13), JEMA, Japan.
Wan, Enoch, and Tin V. Nguyen. “Towards a Theology of Relational Mission Training – An Application of the Relational Paradigm Enoch Wan and Tin V. Nguyen.” Global Missiology English 2, no. 11 (December 31, 2013). Accessed October 22, 2016.
Diaspora Missiology: Theory, Methodology, and Practice. IDS-USA (Institute of Diaspora Studies), Portland, OR. Revised Edition 2014.
Enoch Wan & Narry Santos, “Missio-relational Reading of Mark,” Evangelical Missiological Society Occasional Bulletin, Volume 24, #2 – Spring, 2011
Enoch Wan “Missio-relational Reading of Mark,” EMS Audio interview @
___________ “Relational Tree,” Published in “Relational Study”
www.GlobalMissiology.org Jan. 2011
“Diaspora Mission Strategy in the Context of the United Kingdom in the 21st Century,” Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies. OCMS (http://trn.sagpub.com). 28(1) January 2011:3-13
Enoch Wan and John Mark (pseudonym of a Christian worker serving in Turkish context) “Ministering in Turkish context: proposing a five-stage model for church planting,” Published in “Featured Article” of www.GlobalMissiology.org, January 2011
“Diversity of Ghanaian Diaspora in the U.S.A.: Ministering to the Divers Ghanaian Communities through Ghanaian Congregation,” (co-author with Yaw Attah Edu-Bekoe), in EMS series of 2011. (forthcoming)
“Korean Diaspora: From Hermit Kingdom to Kingdom Ministry,” In Korean Diaspora and Christian Mission. Won Suk Ma and S. Hun Kim (eds.) Regnum Studies in Missions, UK 2011:85-102.
Wan, Enoch and Mark Hedinger. “Missionary Training for the Twenty First Century: Biblical Foundations.” July 2011. globalmissiology.org. Ed. Enoch Wan. 10 December 2015. <http://globalmissiology.org/index.php/english/issue/view/56>.
Enoch Wan & Mark Hedinger, “El Entrenamiento de Missioneros para el 21 Siglo Fundamentos Biblicos” Global Missiology (Spanish) www.GlobalMissiology.org, January 2011
“A Comparative Study of Sino-American Cognitive & Theological Pattern & Proposed Alternative,” Global Missiology – www.GlobalMissiology.org, April 2011.
“Rethinking Missiology in the Context of the 21st Century : Global Demographic Trends and Diaspora Missiology,” Great Commission Research Journal, Vol.2 no. 1. Summer 2010:7-20.
“Celebration and Consultation: From Edinburgh 1910 to Tokyo 2010,” In Evangelical and Frontier Mission Perspectives on the Global Progress of the Gospel (editors: Scott Moreau & Beth Sudderly) . UK: Regnum Press. (forth coming in 2011)
“Partnerships Should Mimic the Trinity,” Faith Today, July/August 2010
“A Missio-Relational Reading of Romans,” Evangelical Missiological Society Occasional Bulletin, Winter 2010
Enoch Wan & Johnny Yee-chong Wan, “Relational Study of the Trinity and the Epistle to the Philippians,” Published in www.GlobalMissiology.org “Featured Article” April 1, 2010.
Enoch Wan & Kevin P. Penman, “The ‘Why,’ ’How’ and ‘Who’ of Partnership in Christian Missions,” Published in www.GlobalMissiology.org “Featured Article” April 1, 2010.
Enoch Wan and Geoff Baggett, “A Theology of Partnership: Implications for Implementation by a Local Church, Published in www.GlobalMissiology.org “Featured Article” April 1, 2010.
“Rethinking Missiology in the context of the 21st Century: Global Demographic Trends and Diaspora Missiology,” Lausanne Diaspora Educators Consultation in Europe, April 16, 2010, OCMS, Oxford, UK.
“Global People and Diaspora Missiology, From Edinburgh 2010 to Tokyo 2010” In the Handbook of Global Mission: Consultation, Celebration, May 11th-14th, 2010. p. 92-106
Wan, Enoch & Tira, Sadiri Joy. “Diaspora Missiology and Mission in the Context of the 21st Century,” Torch Trinity Journal, May 30, 2010, Volume 13, No.1, 46-6, Seoul, Korea.
“Rethinking Missiology in the Context of the 21 St Century: Global Demographic Trends and Diaspora Missiology,” http://apps.biola.edu/gcr/volumes/2/issues/1/articles/7
Great Commission Research Journal, Volume 2, Issue 1, Summer 2010 Biola University
“Mission” and “Missio Dei”: Response to Charles Van Engen’s “Mission Defined and Described,” In Missionshift: Global Mission Issues in the Third Millennium, Edited by David J. Hesselgrave and Ed Stetzer, 2010:41-50
“Three Steps Engaging the Diaspora in Canada in Christian Missions.” Global Missiology, July 2010, http://ojs.globalmissiology.org/index.php/english/article/view/142/404
“Core Values of Mission Organization in the Cultural Context of the 21st Century,” Published in www.GlobalMissiology.org “Featured Article” January 2009
Enoch Wan & Paul Hiebert, “Missional Narrative and Missional Hermeneutic for the 21st Century,” Published in “Featured Article” of www.GlobalMissiology.org January 2009
Enoch Wan and Mark Vanderwerf , “A Review of the Literature on Ethnicity, National Identity and Related Missiological Studies,” Published in www.GlobalMissiology.org
“Ethical Issues o Conducting Cross-Cultural Field Research”. Transcending Borders. Logos Evangelical Seminary. Academic Volume 2.
“A Comparative Study of Sino-American Cognitive & Theological Pattern & Proposed Alternative,” In East-West Cultural Exchange: Review & Preview, Edited by Li Lin et.al. People’s Press, Shanghai, 2009:27-52.
“The Phenomenon of the Diaspora: Missiological Implications for Christian Missions,” Asian American Christianity Reader. Viji Nakka-Cammauf and Timothy Tseng (editors). ISAAC (Institute for the study of Asian American Christianity). 2009:153-163.
“Diaspora Couple Priscilla and Aquila: A Model Family in Action for Mission,” Global Missiology 3, no. 6 (April 2009), http://ojs.globalmissiology.org/index.php/english/issue/view/34. Originally published in Chinese: Great Commission Bi-monthly 79 (April 2009).
Enoch Wan & Linda Gross, “Christian Missions to Diaspora Groups: A Diachronic General Overview and Synchronic Study of Contemporary USA.” (vol. 3, no. 2, 2008 Global Missiology http://ojs.globalmissiology.org/index.php/english/issue/view/11“Relational Theology and Relational Missiology”. Occasional Bulletin Vol. 21 No. 1
“Complementary Aspects of Short-term Missions and Long-term Missions: Cast Studies for a Win-win Situation,” (co-authored with Geoffrey Hartt) in Effective Engagement in Short-term Missions: Doing it Right! Edited by Robert J. Priest, EMS series #16, 2008:62-98.
“Relational Theology and Relational Missiology,” Occasional Bulletin, Evangelical Missiological Society. (Winter 2007), 21:1, p.1-7.
“Expectation and Reflection,” April 2007, On the occasion of Paul Hiebert’s passing. April 2007, On the occasion of Paul Hiebert’s passing.http://paul-timothy.net/pages/gm/wan_reflections_on_paul_hiebert_4_2007.pdf
“Ministry in the Context of Suffering: A Case Study of Southern Sudan.” In Missions in Contexts of Violence. Edited by Keith E. Eitel, Evangelical Missiological Society Series, Number 15: 283-310, 2007.
“Diaspora Missiology”. Occasional Bulletin. Evangelical Missiological Society, Vol. 20 No. 2, 2007
Wan, Enoch with Mark Hedinger. “Understanding ‘relationality’ from a Trinitarian Perspective,” Global Missiology, Trinitarian Studies, (January 2006). www.GlobalMissiology.org
“The Paradigm of ‘relational realism’,” Occasional Bulletin, Evangelical Missiological Society. (Spring 2006), 19:2, p.1-4.
“Understanding “Relationality” From A Trinitarian Perspective”. Global Missiology. Trinitarian Studies. January 2006. www.GlobalMissiology.org
“The Paradigm & Pressing Issues of Inter-disciplinary Research Methodology.” Global Missiology. January 2005. www.GlobalMissiology.org
“Missionary strategy in the Epistle to the Romans,” To the End of the Earth, Hong Kong Association of Christian Missions Ltd. (July-Sept., 2005):1-2. (in Chinese)
“Ethnohermeneutics: Its Necessity and Difficulty for All Christians of All Times”. Global Missiology. January 2004. www.GlobalMissiology.org
Paper posted at http://www.feca.org/bulletin_07/bulletin_07_warfare.cfm by invitation: “Spiritual Warfare What Chinese Christians Should Know and Do.” 2004.
“The Future of Globalizing Missions: What the Literature Suggests”. Marty Shaw. Jr. and Enoch Wan. Global Missiology. April 2004. www.GlobalMissiology.org
Book Review, The Fundamentalist Movement Among Protestant Missionaries in China, 1920-1937, By Kevin Xiyi Yao, Evangelical Missions Quarterly 40:4, pp528-530.
“Missionary anthropology= Cultural anthropology + Theology?” in Pastoral Journal, Issue 16, May, 2004: 115-130
“Traditional mission theology and contextual mission theology,” in Pastoral Journal, Issue 16, May, 2004: 149-158.
“A Critique of Charles Kraft’s Use/Misuse of Communication and Social Sciences in Biblical Interpretation and Missiological Formulation”. Global Missiology. October 2004. www.GlobalMissiology.org
“Ethnic Receptivity and Intercultural Ministries”. Global Missiology. October 2004. www.GlobalMissiology.org
“What Denominational Leaders Should Know But Have Never Been Told Regarding Intercultural Ministries”. T.V. Thomas and Enoch Wan. Global Missiology. October 2004. www.GlobalMissiology.org
“The Phenomenon of the Diaspora: Missiological implications for Christian Missions” Chapter 13 Asian American Christianity: A Reader, Edited by Viji Nakka-Cammauf and Timothy Tseng, The Pacific Asian American and Canadian Christian Education project (PAACCE) and the Institute for the Study of Asian American Christianity (ISAAC), 2004
“Ethnohermeneutics: Its Necessity and Difficulty for All Christians of All Times,” Published in Global Missiology, January 2004, www.globalmissiology.net
“The Future of Globalizing Missions: What the Literature Suggests,”Marty Shaw, Jr. and Enoch Wan, Published in Global Missiology, April 2004, www.globalmissiology.net
“Christianity in the East and the West. Article Two Christianity in the Eye of Traditional Chinese.” Missiology.org. < http://www.missiology.org> Accessed July 24, 2004.
“Christianity in the East and the West. Article Four. Practical Contextualization: A Case Study of Evangelizing Contemporary Chinese,” Missiology.org, <http://www.missiology.org> Accessed July 24, 2004.
“Christianity in the East and the West. Article Five. Theological ContriYetions of Sino-theology to the Global Christian Community (Part One).” Missiology.org. <http://www.missiology.org> Accessed July 24, 2004.
“Pastor As Servant-Leader” Christian Living Quarterly, vol. 1, no. 3 2003.1 “Mission Among the Chinese Diaspora: A Case Study of Migration and Mission,” Missiology: An International Review, Vol. XXXI., No. 1, January 2003:35-43
“Exploring Sino-Spirituality”. Christianity in China. February 2003.
“The magnificent Christ and human culture” in The Glorious Christ and the Contemporary Christian. Lawrence Chan (editor). Christian Witness Theological Seminary, Concord, California. pp. 268-286.
“Mission among the Chinese Diaspora: A Case Study of Migration and Mission” American Society Missiology. 31, no. 1, (2003): 35. Pasadena, CA
“Rethinking Missiological Research Methodology: Exploring a New Direction”. Global Missiology. Oct 2003. www.GlobalMissiology.org
Sino-Spirituality: A Case Study of Trinitarian Paradigm”. Global Missiology. Oct. 2003. www.GlobalMissiology.org
“Spiritual Warfare: Overcoming Demonization”. Global Missiology. Oct. 2003. www.GlobalMissiology.org
“Spiritual Warfare: What Chinese Christians Should Know and Do”. Global Missiology. Spiritual Dynamics. Oct. 2003. www.GlobalMissiology.org
“21th Century Religious Mega-trend and Challenge – Part Three.” Chinese Church Today. April: 48-51, 2001.
“21th Century Religious Mega-trend and Challenge – Part Two.” Chinese Church Today. Feburary:36-39, 2001.
“Ethnocentrism,” Evangelical Dictionary of World Missions. P.324-325. Edited by Scott Moreau. Baker Books. 2001.
“Theological contribution of Sino-theology to global Christian community.” Chinese Around the World. July 2000.
Christ for the Chinese: A Contextual Reflection,” Chinese Around the World. November 2000.
“Practical contextualization: A case study of evangelizing contemporary Chinese.” Chinese Around the World. March 2000:18-24.
“Theological contribution of Sino-theology to global Christian community.” Chinese Around the World. July 2000.
“21th Century Religious Mega-trend and Challenge – Part One.” Chinese Church Today. December:13-17, 2000.
Sino-theology: A survey study. Ontario, Canada: Christian Communication Inc. of Canada.
“Christianity in the eye of traditional Chinese.” Chinese Around the World. July 1999:17-23.
“Critique of Traditional Western Theology.” Chinese Around the World. October 1999:19-25.
“Cultural Differences and Conflicts: A Comparative between Local-born Chinese and Overseas-born Chinese,” First Evangelical Church Association Bulletin, August:18-20, 1999.
“Sailing in the Western Wind,” Chinese Around the World. March:18-21, 1999.
“Cults and Missions.” Great Commission Quarterly. May:9-11, 1999.
“Systematisation of the Theological Pursuit for the Chinese: An Exploration.” In Modernity, Change in Tradition and Theological Reflection. Edited by Eddie Chung. Hong Kong: Tao Fong Shan Christian Centre Ltd., p.183-203.
“Spiritual Warfare – What Chinese Christian Should Know And Do,” First Evangelical Church Association Bulletin, December:6-9, 1999.
“Exploring Sino-Spirituality.” First Evangelical Church Association Bulletin. December, 1999, 16–21. <http://www.christianityinchina.org> Accessed July 24, 2004.
Banishing the old and building the new: An Exploration of Sino-theology. Ontario, Canada : Christian Communication Inc. of Canada.
“A Case Study of Comparative Analysis of Three Religious Movements in Latin America.” Evangelical Theological Society, March 1997
“Horizon of Inter-philosophical Dialogue: A Paradigmatic Comparative Study of the Ameri-European & The Sino-Asian Cognitive Patterns/Processes.” Cultural Revitalization for China. 1996:1-5 (in Chinese)
“A critique of Charles Kraft’s use / misuse of communication and social science in biblical interpretation and missiological formulation,” In Missiology and the social sciences: contributions, cautions and conclusions. Edited by Edward Rommen and Gary Orwin, p.121-164, Pasadena: William Carey Library. (1996)
“Spiritual Dynamics in Trinitarian Missiology.” Reformed Theological Seminary, EMS SE Meeting, Mar 1996.
“Protestant Ethic and Chinese Culture: A Reflection of Max Weber’s Theory and Methodology.” In East & West: Religious Ethics and Other Essays. Edited by Zhang Zhigang & M.Y. Stewart. Beijing: Central Translation & Publication of China.
Wan, Enoch (Ed.). Missions Within Reach: Intercultural Ministries in Canada. Hong Kong: China Alliance Press, 1995.
“Horizon of Inter-philosophical Dialogue: A Paradigmatic Comparative Study of the Ameri-European & The Sino-Asian Cognitive Patterns/Processes.” Cultural Revitalization for China. 1996:1-5 (in Chinese)
Mission Resource Manual. Edmonton, Canada: China Alliance Press of Canada.
“Scriptural Spirituality” Chinese in North America. July-August: 2-4, 1992.
“The Theology of Family: A Chinese Case Study of Contextualization,” Chinese in North America. March – April 1991.
“The Theology of Spiritual Formation: A Case Study of Contextualized Chinese Theology,” Chinese in North America, March-April 1991:2-7, California: Chinese Coordination Centre of World Evangelism – North America.
“Ethnic Receptivity Factors,” In Reclaiming a Nation. Edited by Arnell Motz. P. 117-132. Richmond, B.C.., Canada: Church Leadership Library.
“Deliverance from Demonization,” Alliance Family, 1989 Spring:8-12, Manila, Philippines: CAMACOP 1988a “Spiritual Warfare: Understanding Demonization,” Alliance Family, 1988 Summer: 6-18, Manila, Philippines: CAMACOP.
“Spiritual Warfare: Understanding Demonization,” Alliance Family. (Summer)August, 1988:6-18.
“Deliverance from Demonization.” Alliance Family. Spring:8-12. Manila, Philippines: CAMACOP.
“The Confucian Ethic and the Chinese Cultural Attitudes Towards Work,” Crux, September 1988 1vol. XXIV, No. 3.
“The Worldview of Overseas Chinese,” December, 1988:23ff. Chinese Churches Today, Hong Kong: Chinese Coordination Centre of World Evangelism (in Chinese).
“Tao – The Chinese Theology of God-Man,” His Dominion, Spring 1985:24-27, Regina, Saskatchewan: Canadian Theological Seminary.
“The Strength and Weakness of Chinese Culture,” January 1983:8ff. Chinese Churches Today, January 1983:8ff. Hong Kong: Chinese Coordination Centre of World Evangelism, (in Chinese).
“Know Thyself,” Intouch Canadian Theological Seminary, Vol. 12 Number 2, 1983
“Critique of Functional Missionary Anthropology,” His Dominion, Vol. 8, No. 3, Spring 1982:18-22.
“The Theological Application of Contextual-Interaction Model of Culture,” His Dominion, Vol. 9 Number 1, October 1982
“The Theological Application of the Contextual-Interaction Model of Culture,” His Dominion, October 1982:2-8, Regina, Saskatchewan: Canadian Theological Seminary. 1979 “Faith and Culture,” The Alliance Quarterly, June 1979: vol. 28: 3ff.
“The Dynamics of Ethnicity: A Case Study on the Immigrant Community of New York Chinatown,” Unpublished doctoral dissertation, State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1978.
2004-2005 Papers posted at www.missiology.org by invitation:
- Critiquing the Method of Traditional Western Theology and Calling for Sino- Theology
- Sailing in the Western Wind
- Christianity In The Eye Of Traditional Chinese
- Critiquing The Method of Traditional Western Theology And Calling for Sino-theology
- Practical Contextualization: A Case Study of Evangelizing Contemporary Chinese
- Theological Contributions of Sino-theology to The Global Christian Community
- Jesus Christ for the Chinese: A Contextual Reflection
- Challenge of Chinese Urban Evangelism
- The Blind-Spot of Apollos & Chinese Christian Missions
- Mission among the Chinese Diaspora – A case study of migration & mission
2004 Paper posted at http://www.feca.org/bulletin_07/bulletin_07_warfare.cfm
by invitation: “Spiritual Warfare What Chinese Christians Should Know and Do”
Wan, Enoch. “A Case Study of Diaspora Mission in Action: From Refugee to Kingdom Laborer” Presented at Beeson Divinity School World Christianity Focus Week, April 5, 2022.
Wan, Enoch. “The Paradigm of Diaspora Missiology and Missiological Implications for Korean Immigrant Churches in the USA” Presented at KSC Symposium, Fuller Theological Seminary, April 6-7, 2022.
Wan, Enoch. “Mission Amid Global Crises: Holistic Missions to Diaspora Groups” Presented at the EMS Toronto, Canada, Tyndale University College & Seminary, March 8, 2019.
“Quincentennial celebration: the paradigm-shift of Martin Luther then and ours now,” Multiethnic Symposium, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Jan. 24-25, 2017
“The practice of diaspora missions in local congregation: from beginning to base,” The National Conference of EMS, Dallas, Texas. 2017
“Missions to the diaspora,” Field Forum 2016 (The Pacific Northwest District of the C&MA), Airport Sheraton Hotel, April 20-22, 2016.
“Relational theology and discipleship,” CMC 2016, Baltimore Convention Center. December 27, 2016 – December 31, 2016, Baltimore Convention Center & Hilton Baltimore.
“Sino-theology of grace,” Chinese Ministerial Fellowship of New York City, April 4, 2016, Chinese Theological Seminary – New York.
“Missions at your doorsteps,” National Diaspora Symposium 2015, K.L., Malaysia. Sept. 6-9, 2015
“Reaching the diaspora & our kinsmen,” CMC-South “UNLEASHED”, Dec. 29, 2015 – January 2, 2016, Houston, Texas.
“The integration of missiology/counselling with contextual Sino-theology of grace,” Interdisciplinary Symposium, May 25, 2005, Alliance Bible Seminary, Hong Kong.
“The integration of theology with contextual Sino-theology of grace,” Interdisciplinary Symposium, May 25, 2005, Alliance Bible Seminary, Hong Kong.
“Diaspora missiology and beyond: paths taken and ways forward,” EMS National Conference, Sept. 24-25, 2014, Convention Center, Atlanta, Georgia.
“Community development & church planting,” CMC-West, Dec, 31, 2014 – Jan. 3, 2015, Town & Country Hotel & Convention Center, San Diego, CA
“Missiological research and Christian missions in/for Africa,” Symposium on Chinese Mission Endeavour in Africa, the 3rd Pan Africa Missions Conference of CCCOWE, April 13-16, 2013.
“The model of servanthood and relational ministry,” Commencement, Christian Witness Theological Seminary, Nov. 5, 2013, Freemont, California.
Commencement Address – Christian Witness Theol. Sem., California. June, 2013
“Interview with Enoch Wan on Diaspora Missiology.” Missiologically Thinking, Interview February 27, 2012, http://www.jdpayne.org/?s=blog+post+enoch+wan
“Applied anthropology and cross-cultural ministry,” missionary orientation/training, March 5-9, 2012, Overseas Ministries Study Center, New Haven, Connecticut.
“A Relational Perspective on “the Root of Human Problems around the World,”
Commencement Address, William Carey International University, January 4, 2011.
“Multitudes Rreaching A People-group by Reconciliation,” JEMA (Japan Evangelical Missionary Association), Annual Retreat, Feb. 14, 2011.
“Riots in the City: Replacing 19th Century Urban Training Models with Relevant Urbanized Training Models for the 21st Century,” (co-presented with Larry W. Caldwell), Evangelical Missiological Society Northwest, March 12, 2011
“The Practice of Diaspora Missions Globally and in Japan locally,” JEMA (Japan Evangelical Missionary Association) Annual Retreat, Feb.15, 2011.
“Relational Paradigm for Ministry in Japanese Context,” JEMA (Japan Evangelical Missionary Association) Annual Retreat, Feb.16.
“Research Methodology for Diaspora Missiology and Diaspora Missions,” Unpublished paper presented at Regional EMS Conference – North Central, February 26, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, Illinois.
“Global Status of Diaspora Ministry,” Web-seminar, The Mission Exchange, Global Issues Update Download at http://www.themissionexchange.org/
Larry Caldwell, “Riots in the City: Replacing 19th Century Urban Training Models with Relevant ‘Urbanized’ Training Models for the 21st Century.” Evangelical Missiological Society Annual Meeting, September 29–October 1.
“Multitudes Reaching a People-group by Reconciliation.” Japan Evangelical Missionary Association (JEMA) Annual Retreat, February14, 2011.
“Asian theology and Christian ministry,” Annual Lectureship, May 16-20, 2011, Tokyo Christian University, Tokyo, Japan.
Korean Diaspora: From Hermit Kingdom to Kingdom Ministry, Korean Diaspora Forum, Seoul, Korea, May 2010, Seoul, Korea.
“Rethinking Missiology in the context of the 21st Century: Global Demographic Trends and Diaspora Missiology,” Lausanne Diaspora Educators Consultation in Europe, April 16, 2010, OCMS, Oxford, UK.
“Relational Paradigm for Ministry in the Context of 21st Century,” Special Lectureship, May 20, 2010, OCMS, Oxford, UK.
“Korean Diaspora: From Hermit Kingdom to Kingdom Ministry,” Unpublished paper presented at the Korean Diaspora Forum, May 18-21, 2010. Seoul, Korea.
“Diaspora Mission and Migrant Mission in the World” at Myung Sung Church, IFMM – International Forum for Migrant Mission, May 25, 2010, Seoul, Korea.
“Global People and Diaspora Missiology, From Edinburgh 2010 to Tokyo 2010” Plenary session at Tokyo 2010, May 11th-14th 2010, Nakano Sun Plaza, Tokyo. (Video clip accessible @ http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/6897559
“Diversity of Ghanaian Diaspora in the USA: Ministering to the Diverse Ghanaian Communities through Ghanaian Congregations,” 2010 North America Missions Leaders Conference.
“Ministering to Scattered Peoples – Moving to Reach the People on the Move,” Cape Town 2010, accessible at http://conversation.lausanne.org/en/conversations/detail/11438; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24muUzAp_Yk Author: Enoch Wan; Date: 22.10.2010; Category: Diaspora
“Ethical Issues in Conducting Missiological Field Research,” (co-presented with Galen Currah), Northwest Regional Conference of EMS, April 18, 2009, International Intercultural Communication Center, Portland, Oregon.
“The Filipino Experience in Diaspora Missions: A Case Study of Christian Communities in Contemporary Contexts,” co-presented Sadiri Joy Tira, Commission VII: Christian Communities in Contemporary Contexts, Edinburgh, June 12-13.
“A Missio-Relational Reading of Romans,” the DoktorKlub, SAIACS (South Asian Institute of Advanced Christian Studies), Bangalore, India, August 18.
“Ethical Issues in Conducting Missiological Field Research,” (co-presented with Galen Currah), EMS/CGL Annual Conference, Sept. 17-19, 2009, Orlando, Florida
“Contextual Theology for Missions in Asia,” Overseas Ministries Study Center at Yale University, November 26-30, New Haven, Connecticut.
“The Filipino Experience in Diaspora Missions: A Case Study of Mission Initiatives From the Majority World Churches,” Evangelical Missiological Society Northwest Regional Conference, Portland, OR, Jan. 2008,
“Majority World Harvest among Tibetan Buddhists: Historical Review, Ethnographic Overview, and Dynamic Development,” (co-presented with David Oleson), Evangelical Missiological Society Northwest, IICC, Portland, OR, Jan. 2008,
“Diaspora and Global Missions,” A public lecture on January 8, 2008 at Tyndale University College and Seminary in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
“The Filipino Experience in Diaspora Missions: A Case Study of Mission Initiatives From the Majority World Churches,” Co-presented with Joy Tira, Evangelical Missiological Society National Conference, Minneapolis, Sept. 24-27, 2008.
“Majority World Harvest among Tibetan Buddhists: Historical Review, Ethnographic Overview, and Dynamic Development,” (co-presented with David Oleson), Evangelical Missiological Society National Conference, Minneapolis, Sept. 24-27, 2008.
“A Comparative Study of Sino-American Cognitive & Theological Pattern & Proposed Alternative,” An unpublished paper presented at the Bicentennial Celebration of Christianity to China and Memorial Celebration of Robert Morrison, Los Angelis, California, June 4-7, 2008.
“Complementary Aspects of Short-term Missions and Long-term Missions: Case Studies for a Win-win Situation,” (co-presented with Geoffrey Hartt), EMS Regional Northwest, IICC, Portland, OR, March 9, 2007.
“Complementary Aspects of Short-term Missions and Long-term Missions: Cast Studies for a Win-win Situation,” (co-presented with Geoffrey Hartt), EMS Annual Conference, Minneapolis, Sept. 27-29, 2007.
“Ministry in the Context of Suffering: A Case Study of Southern Sudan.” Regional Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, Portland, Oregon. (April 2006)
“Ministry in the Context of Suffering: A Case Study of Southern Sudan.” National Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, Orlando Florida. (Sept. 2006)
“Mission among the Chinese Diaspora: A Case Study of Migration and Mission,” American Society Missiology. June 2003, Techny Tower, IL.
“Mega Trend of Christian Missions in the 21th Century,” Symposium on Missions, Hong Kong Association of Christian Missions, January 14-16, Hong Kong.
“Inductive Study on the Life of Jesus,” TEE of Alliance Bible Seminary of HK, Jan. 21-25, Saigon, Vietnam
“Current Trends in Theological Training for Missions,” lectureship for Inter-denomination Joint Meeting at the Bible School campus in Phnon Penh, Cambodia, Feb. 17, 2002.
“Integrative Research Methodology, Module for the Ph.D. Program in Intercultural Studies, as Adjunct Professor of Anthropology, Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, MS.
“Contextual Theology for Chinese Ministry,” Chinese Pastoral Training Program – COCM, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom.
“Integrative Research Methodology, Module for the Ph.D. Program in Intercultural Studies, as Adjunct Professor of Anthropology, Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, MS.
“Non-Western Perspective on Spirituality,” Western Seminary, April 10, 2002
“Mission Among the Chinese Diaspora – A Case Study of Migration & Mission,” An unpublished paper presented at the American Society of Missiology, June 21-23, Techny Tower, Chicago.
“Understanding Demonology and Practicing Deliverance Ministry,” Pastors’ Seminary, Hong Kong Association of Christian Missions, January 14-16, Hong Kong
“Spiritual Partnership among Diaspora,” An unpublished paper presented at the Filipino International Network, July 25-28, Singapore.
“Cultural Anthropology & Christian Missions,” Summer Module, Christian Witness Theological Seminary, July 19-26, Concord, California.
“The Rediscovery of Scriptural Christianity,” An unpublished paper presented at the CBI Consultation, August 2, 2002, Worldview Center, Portland, Oregon.
“Cross-cultural Counseling,” Module for the Ph.D. Program in Intercultural Studies, as Adjunct Professor of Anthropology, Reformed Theological Seminary, November 5-9, Jackson, MS.
“Cross-cultural Communication and Ministry,” Intercultural Leadership Training Seminary, Edmonton Filipino C&MA Church, Alberta, Canada.
“Contextual Chinese Missiology,” Symposium, Canadian Chinese Alliance National Missions Conference, Prairie Bible Institute, Alberta, Canada.
“Ethnicity,” Module for the Ph.D. Program in Intercultural Studies, as Adjunct Professor of Anthropology, Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, MS.
“Contextual Theology for Practical Ministry Among the Chinese,” Winterim Module, as Adjunct Professor of Anthropology & Missions, Alliance Theological Seminary, Nyack, New York.
“Sino-theology: A Case Study of Employing Interdisciplinary Methodology to Formulate Contextual Theology for the Chinese.” An unpublished paper presented at the EMS/SE Regional Meeting, Toccoa Falls Bible College & Seminary, Georgia, March 16-17, 2001.
“Comparative Religions,” and “Practical Chinese Pastoral Theology,” Chinese Pastoral Training Program, TEE of ABS-Canada, May 3-14, Panama.
“Exploring the Spirituality of Asian Minister: An EMIC Study,” Theological Colloquium, Western Seminary, July 4, 2001
“Contextual Theology for Missions in Asia,” Overseas Ministries Study Center at Yale, November 26-30, New Haven, Connecticut.
Book Review, Witness to Power: Stories of God’s Quiet Work in a Changing China. By Tetsunao Yamamori and Kim-Kwong Chan. Evangelical Missions Quarterly, 37:4, pp.532-534.
“Cross-cultural Counselling,” Module for the Ph.D. Program in Intercultural Studies, as Adjunct Professor of Anthropology, Reformed Theological Seminary, November 5-9, Jackson, MS.
“Culture and Missions” in Christianity and Chinese Cultural Renewal: A Compendium Symposium Volume. P. 7-19, Great Commission Center International. Argyle, Texas.
“The Mission Classroom as Academy/Conclave.” An unpublished Paper Presented at the American Society of Professors of Missions, Techny Tower, Chicago, June 16, 2000.
Book review, Understanding Folk Religion: A Christian Response to Popular Beliefs and Practices (by Tiénou, Tite, Paul G. Hiebert, and R. Daniel Shaw), Evangelical Missions Quarterly 25:45.
“Sino-theology: Contextual Theology for the Chinese,” An unpublished paper presented at the Faculty Forum, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Wenham, MA. January 1999.
“Systematic methodology in contextual theology for Chinese” in Modernity, Change in Tradition and Theological Reflections: A collection of Papers Presented at the First and Second Han-Yu Theologian Round-Table Symposium” pp. 183-204. Tao Fong Shan Christian Centre Ltd., Hong Kong.
“Christianity in the Context of Pluralistic Chinese Culture and Monolithic Hua-Saar Culture.” An unpublished paper presented at the Second Annual Conference on Religion and Philosophy of Chinese Scholars in North America, US Center of World Missions, Pasadena, LA, June 4-7, 1999.
“Contextual Theology for Practical Ministry Among the Chinese,” Chinese Pastoral Training Program – COCM, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom 1999.
Research study (sabbatical leave from Reformed Theological Seminary), Tyndale House, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK.
“Rethinking Missiological Research Methodology: Exploring a new Direction,” An unpublished paper presented at the ETS/EMS Regional Meeting, Columbia International University, Columbia, S.C. March 20-21, 1998.
“The Contributions of Christianity to the Modernization Movement in China.” An unpublished paper presented at the Second Annual Conference on Religion and Philosophy of Chinese Scholars in North America, The Ricci Institute, University of San Francisco, San Francisco, California, June 5-8.
“The Systematization of the Theological Pursuit for the Chinese: An Exploration.” The 2nd Han-yu Theologians Round Table Symposium, Sabender Bay Resort, Sabah, Malaysia, July 5-1, 1998.
“The Paradigm & Pressing Issues of Interdisciplinary Research Methodology, “An unpublished paper presented at the 50th Anniversary of Evangelical Theological Society, Radisson Twin Towers, Orlando, Florida, Nov. 19-21, 1998.
“Liberating Paradigm-Shift: Theologizing from the East,” An unpublished paper presented at the Evangelical Missiological Society SE Regional Meeting, March 7-8, 1997, Dayton, TN.
“A Case Study of Comparative Analysis of Three Religious Movements in Latin America,” An unpublished paper presented at The Evangelical Theological Society SW Regional Meeting, March 21-22, 1997, Dallas, TX.
“A Comparative Study of the Ethical Teachings of Jesus and Confucius.” An unpublished paper presented at the Second Annual Conference on Religion and Philosophy of Chinese Scholars in North America, Boston University, Boston, MA.
“Cross-cultural Counselling,” Workshop at the CHEPSIS Annual Conference, Grand Canyon University, Phoenix, Arizona.
“General Revelation and Missiology,” An unpublished paper presented at the Evangelical Theological Society 49th Annual Meeting, Santa Clara, California, Nov. 20-22, 1997.
“Sino-theology: Contextual Theology for the Chinese,” An unpublished paper presented at the Faculty Forum, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Wenham, MA.
“A High View of Culture for Christian Missions,” An opening address at The 21th Century Strategy Consultation of International Chinese Ministry, Great Commission Center in Copper Valley, Texas.
“Vision & Action for International Filipino Ministries,” An unpublished paper presented at the Filipino International Networking Consultation, Midland, Texas.
“General Revelation & Missiology,” An unpublished paper presented at the Evangelical Theological Society Annual Meeting (Nov.20-22), Santa Clara, California.
“Spiritual Warfare & Christian Witness,” An unpublished paper presented at the Second Annual Training Conference of the “Overseas Chinese School of Servanthood (Dec. 25-30), USCWM, Pasadena, California.
“Biblical Principle of Christian Marriage,” An unpublished paper presented at the Second Annual Training Conference of the “Overseas Chinese School of Servanthood (Dec. 25-30), USCWM, Pasadena, California.
“The Importance of Anthropological Training in Cross-cultural Ministries.” An unpublished paper presented at the Christianity and China Symposium, Sponsored by ERRC, San Francisco, California, February.
Serving on the “Declaration Committee” and translated the Chinese edition, at the GCOWE ’95 of AD 2000 & Beyond Movement” in Seoul, Korea.
“Spiritual Dynamics in Trinitarian Missiology,” An unpublished paper presented at the EMS Southeast Regional Meeting, Mobile, AL, March 15-16, 1996.
“A Comparative Study on the Cultural Differences of the Local-Born Chinese and Overseas-Born Chinese,” An unpublished paper presented at the First National Conference of Local-Born Chinese, Calgary, Canada, Sept.
“The Protestant Ethic and Chinese Culture – A Comparative Study,” An unpublished paper presented at The Third Symposium of Chinese-Western Philosophy & Religion Studies, University of Beijing, October, 1996, Beijing, China.
“A Comparative Study of the Ethical Teachings of Jesus and Confucius,” An unpublished paper presented at The Third Symposium of Chinese-Western Philosophy & Religion Studies, University of Beijing, October, 1996, Beijing, China.
“Cross-cultural Ethics,” An unpublished paper presented at the Key-note Address of CHEPSIS Annual Conference, Trinity College, Illinois, October.
“Missionary Pneumatology: Towards an Understanding of Spiritual Dynamics in Missions from a Trinitarian Perspective.” An unpublished Paper Presented at the Evangelical Theological Society meeting, Jackson, MS. November 21-23, 1996.
“Chinese Pastoral Theology.” A Winterim module, taught as Guest Lecturer, Alliance Theological Seminary, Nyack, New York, January.
“Personal and Professional Preparation for Cross-cultural Ministry,” Workshop, Metro-Toronto Chinese Alliance Churches Joint Missionary Conference. Canada.
“The Giving and Receiving in Ministry to International Students in the Context of American Institutions of Higher Education,” Workshop at The Fourth Annual Conference of CHEPSIS, Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, IL.
“Contextual Chinese Missiology,” Symposium, Canadian Chinese Alliance National Missions Conference, Prairie Bible Institute, Alberta, Canada, Summer 1995.
“Family Enrichment Seminar,” Edmonton Vietnamese Alliance Church, Alberta, Canada.
“A Critique of Charles Kraft’s use / misuse of communication and social science in biblical interpretation and missiological formulation,” Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Missiological Society, Philadelphia, PA.
“Horizon of Inter-philosophical Dialogue: A Paradigmatic Comparative Study of the Ameri-European & The Sino-Asian Cognitive Patterns/Processes.” Unpublished paper presented at The Second Symposium of Chinese-Western Philosophy and Religious Studies, October 4-6, 1995, Beijing, China.
“Defending or Defrauding the Faith: A Paradigmatic Comparison of the Theology of Religions of Hendrik Kraemer & John Hick,” A paper presented at the 47th Annual Meeting of the ETS, November 16-18, 1995 Philadelphia Airport Radisson Hotel.
“Occult Phenomena in Chinese Culture,” Guest Lecture, Chinese Bi-cultural & Pastoral Ministries Program, Alliance Theological Seminary, Nyack, New York.
“What Denominational Leadership Should Know but Never Have Been Told,” An unpublished paper presented at the First National Conference on Inter-cultural Ministries, Toronto, Canada, January.
“Chinese Theological Thought,” Winterim Course, Alliance Theological Seminary, Nyack, New York.
“Cross-cultural Mission,” A workshop for Pastoral Workers of the Chinese Mennonite Association of Vancouver, BC, Canada.
“Ethnohermeneutics: It’s Necessity and Difficulty for all Christians of all Times,” An unpublished paper presented at the 46th Annual Meeting of ETS on November 17-19, 1994, Chicago, IL.
“From Recruiting to Recommissioning of International Students: A Form of CHEPSIS serventhood and a Neglected Component of Missiological Strategy of World Evangelization,” at the Fifth Conference of CHEPSIS, John Brown University, Siloam Springs, Arkansas.
“The Chinese Worldview,” Reformed Theological Seminary, March 25, 1993
“Western Christianity of Chinese in North America.” An unpublished paper presented at the Theological Education for Laity, Ottawa Chinese Alliance Church, Ottawa, Canada, April.
“Issues Related to Cross-Cultural Evangelism and Cross-Cultural Counselling.” An unpublished paper presented at the Annual Missions Conference, Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, MS. September.
“Spiritual Formation Chinese Style: A Case Study of Contextualized Practical Chinese Theology.” An unpublished paper presented at the First Consultation on Theological Education of Chinese in North America. Chinese Churches Congress on World Evangelization (CCCOWE), Los Angels, California, February.
“Contextual Theology for Practical Ministry Among the Chinese,” Winterim Module, as Adjunct Professor of Anthropology & Missions, Alliance Theological Seminary, Nyack, New York, January 1992
“Mission Resources in Canadian Chinese Churches,” An unpublished paper presented at the Symposium on Missions, Chinese Missionary Convention of Canada, Langley, B.C., Canada, August.
“Chinese Churches Ministering to American-Born-Chinese.” An unpublished paper presented at the Ministry Consultation co-sponsored by the Chinese Churches Congress on World Evangelization (CCOWE) and Fellowship of American Chinese Evangelicals (FACE), San Francisco, California, March.
“Practical Understanding of American Culture for International Students,” Workshop at the Second Annual Conference of Christian Higher Education Professionals Serving International Students (CHEPSIS), Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois, April.
“A Survey on Missions of Canadian Chinese Alliance Churches.” An unpublished paper presented at the Pastors’ Conference of the Canadian Chinese Alliance Churches Committee, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada, June.
“Practical Understanding of American Culture for International Students.” An unpublished paper presented at the Second Annual Conference of Christian Higher Education Professionals Serving International Students (CHEPSIS), Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois, October.
“The Trinitarian Model: A Case Study of Interdisciplinary Integration.” An unpublished paper presented at the Faculty Forum, Canadian Theological Seminary, Regina, Sask., Canada, November.
“The Challenge and Opportunities of the 1990s for the Chinese Churches in Canada.” An unpublished paper presented at the Thirty First CCCYWC, Prairie Bible College and Seminary, Prairie, Alberta, Canada, December.
“Albert Schweitzer: A Challenge to the Evangelicals in Serventhood.” An unpublished paper presented at the Centennial Celebration of the Christian & Missionary Alliance, Canadian Theological Seminary, Regina, Sask., Canada, January.
“Ethnic Receptivity Factors,” in Reclaiming a Nation: The Challenge of Re-Evangelizing Canada by the year 2000” pp. 117-132. edited by Arnell Motz, Church Leadership Lirary, Richmond, B.C., Canada..
“Christian Parenting of Vietnamese in Canada.” An unpublished paper presented at the Consultation on Vietnamese Ministry, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, August.
“Principle and Practice of Christian Counselling.” An unpublished paper presented at the Canadian Chinese College Youth Winter Conference, Banff, Alberta, Canada, December.
“A Critique of Western Theology and A Preliminary Exploration in Contextualized Theology for Australian,” Theology Lectureship, Alliance Theological College, Canberra, ACT, Australia.
“An Examination of Selected Asian Theologians and the Proposed Agenda for Contextualized Asian Theology,” Annual Lectureship, Alliance Biblical Seminary, Manila, Philippines.
“Demonology, Demonization and Deliverance Ministry for Filipino,” Annual Lectureship, Alliance Biblical Seminary, Manila, Philippines.
“A Critique of Western Theology and the Alternatives of Contextualized Asian Theology,” Theology Lectureship, Ebenezer Bible College and Seminary, Zamboanger, Philippines.
“Demonology, Demonization and Deliverance Ministry for Filipino,” Pastoral Studies Lectureship, Ebenezer Bible College and Seminary, Zamboanger, Philippines.
“Applied Anthropology for Cross-Cultural Worker,” Guest Lectureship Series, Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary, Manila, Philippines.
“Demonology, Demonization and Deliverance Ministry for Filipino,” Guest Lectureship Series for Ed.D. Studies, Asian Theological Seminary, Manila, Philippines.
“The Protestant Ethic and Chinese Culture – A Comparative Assessment,” An unpublished paper presented at The Second Annual Conference on Christianity & Chinese Culture, Regent College, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
“The Confucian Ethic and the Chinese Cultural Attitudes Towards Work,” An unpublished paper presented at The Second Annual Conference on Christianity & Chinese Culture, Regent College, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
“Towards An Understanding of the Chinese Christian Church in Canada, 1858-1987,” An unpublished paper presented at the Chinese Coordination Centre of World Evangelism – North American Commission of Chinese Evangelicals, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, August.
“Western Christianity of Chinese in North America.” An unpublished paper presented at the Theological Education for Laity, Ottawa Chinese Alliance Church, Ottawa, Canada, April 1986.
“Practical Anthropology in Christian Missions,” An unpublished paper presented at the Theological Education for the Laity, Ottawa Chinese Alliance Church, Ottawa, Canada. April.
“A Comparative Study on the Cultural Differences of the Local-Born Chinese and Overseas-Born Chinese,” An unpublished paper presented at the First National Conference of Local-Born Chinese, February 1985, Calgary, Canada.
“A Comparative Study on the Cultural Differences of he Local-Born Chinese and Overseas-Born Chinese,” An unpublished paper presented at the First National Conference of Local-Born Chinese, Calgary, Canada.
“Applied Anthropology for Cross-Cultural Worker,” Annual Lectureship, Baptist Bible College & Seminary, Penang, Malaysia.
Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Access Dr. Wan’s work and ministry experience, as well as his history in publication: