Relational Partnerships for Missions Mobilization Reflections on 21st Century Orality Transformational Change in Christian Ministry Second Edition (Relational) Relational Intercultural Training for Practitioners of Business As Mission: Theory and Practice A Holistic and Contextualized Mission Training Program: Equipping Lay Leaders for Local Mission in Vietnam (Relational) Establishing Frontline LGBTQ Outreach: An Exploratory Study (Relational) Doxological Missiology: Theory, Motivation, and Practice (Relational) Relational Leadership Development: An Ethnological Study in Inuit Contexts The Hispanic Hybrid Identity in Miami: Ethnographic Description and Missiological Implications (D-Diaspora) Missionary Preparation in The Gospel Of Matthew in Light of 28:16-20: A Narrative and Relational Study Holistic Mission through Mission Partnership: An Instrumental Case Study in La Ceiba, Honduras (Relational) Marketplace Transformation: Motivating and Mobilizing Chinese Churches in the Silicon Valley for Gospel Transformation (Relational) Covenant Transformative Learning: Theory and Practice for Mission (Relational) Engaging the Secular World through Life-on-life Disciple-making in the British Context: Relational Paradigm in Action The Cross and the Kaleidoscope: Substitutionary Atonement and our Relationships (Relational) Diaspora Missions to International Students Missions Beyond the Diaspora: Local Cross-cultural Ministry of Chinese Congregations in the San Francisco Bay Area Chinese Diaspora Kingdom Workers: In Action and With Guidance Multiethnic Ministry and Diaspora Missions in Action: A Case Study of the Wu Chang Church of Kaohsiung, Taiwan A Theology of Spirit-Anointed Witness in Holistic Christian Mission Framed in the Relational Paradigm Engaging Chinese Diaspora in the Ministry of Bible Translation Relational Missionary Training: Theology, Theory & Practice Church Planting among Immigrants in US Urban Centers (Second Edition): The “Where”, “Why”, And “How” of Diaspora Diaspora Missiology #23 EMS: Reflections on Reaching the Scattered Peoples of the World (Evangelical Missiological Society) Wandering Jews and Scattered Sri Lankans: Viewing Sri Lankans of the Gulf Cooperation Council through the Lens of the Old Testament Jewish Diaspora Mobilizing Vietnamese Diaspora for the Kingdom The 2011 Triple Disaster in Japan and the Diaspora: Lessons Learned and Ways Forward Church Planting among Immigrants in US Urban Centers: The “Where”, “Why”, And “How” of Diaspora Missiology in Action Scattered Africans Keep Coming: A Case Study of Diaspora Missiology on Ghanaian Diaspora and Congregations in the USA Missions from the Majority World: Progress, Challenges, and Case Studies (Evangelical Missiological Society) Missions in Action in the 21st Century Diaspora Missiology: Theory, Methodology, and Practice, Missions Practice in the 21st Century Scattered: The Filipino Global Presence Jewish-Gentile Couples: Trends, Challenges and Hopes Christian Witness In #11 (Evangelical Missiological Society)