Enoch Wan, Ph.D.

  • 美國西方神學院俄勒岡州波特蘭市跨文化研究研究教授,跨文化研究博士課程主任,教育博士班課程主任
  • EMS(兩屆福音派宣教學會)前任主席
  • 顧問/創始人 – GlobalMissiology.org
  • 董事會成員 – 全球聖經協會(美國)和天道基督教媒體協會


Relational Missionary Training: Theology, Theory & Practice (co-authored with Mark Hedinger), Urban Loft Publishers, Skyforest, California
Church Planting Among Immigrants in US Urban Centers: The Where, Why, and How of Diaspora Missiology in Action. (co-authored with Anthony Francis Casey), IDS, Portland, Oregon
The 2011 Triple Disaster in Japan and the Diaspora: Lessons Learned and Ways Forward. (co-authored with Elton S. L. Law), IDS, Portland, Oregon
Wandering Jews and Scattered Sri Lankans: Viewing Sri Lankans of the Gulf Cooperation Council through the Lens of the Old Testament Jewish Diaspora
(co-authored with Ted Rubesh), IDS, Portland, Oregon
Mobilizing Vietnamese Diaspora for the Kingdom. (co-authored with Thanh Trung Le), IDS, Portland, Oregon
Scattered Africans Keep Coming. (co-authored with Yaw Attah Edu-Bekoe), IDS, Portland, Oregon
Diaspora Missiology: Theory, Methodology, and Practice. IDS, Portland, Oregon
Missions Practice in the 21st Century. (Co-editing with Joy Tira) Diaspora Series WCIU Press no 1, William Carey International University Press, Pasadena, California
Missions from the Majority World: Progress, Challenges, and Case Studies. (Co-editing with Michael Pocock). EMS Series no. 17, William Carey Library, Pasadena, California
Sino-theology: A survey study. Ontario, Canada: Christian Communication Inc.