Diaspora Missiology: Theory, Methodology, and Practice The movement of people spatially at an unprecedented scale is a special social phenomenon of the 21st century. Among these people on the move are those who take up residence away from their place of origin—the “ diaspora ”—who are the focus of this study. Publication Date: Jan 31, 2012 List Price: $14.00 |
Scattered Africans Keep Coming The purpose of this book is to provide an ethnographic description of Ghanaian Diaspora and Protestant congregations in the USA. This book on African diaspora is a "case study" of diaspora missiology in action. Two African diaspora congregations in Europe and ve Ghanaian Presbyterian congregations in the USA are highlighted to showcase how "diaspora missiology" is strategically supplementary to the "traditional mission paradigm" in the new demographic reality of the 21st century. Publication Date: Apr 2, 2013 List Price: $9.99 |
Mobilizing Vietnamese Diaspora for the Kingdom This book begins with an introduction on Vietnamese diaspora (who? where? why?), followed by a discussion on the reason and practice of motivating and mobilizing them for Kingdom purpose. Practitioners who desire to serve Vietnamese diaspora will nd the case study on the non-formal lay leadership training program implemented in Canada, Australia and Taiwan informative and inspiring. Publication Date: Aug 21, 2014 List Price: $9.59 |
Wandering Jews and Scattered Sri Lankans: Viewing Sri Lankans of the Gulf Cooperation Council through the Lens of the Old Testament Jewish Diaspora This book examines the characteristics of two diasporas, the ancient Jewish diaspora of the Old Testament and the contemporary Sri Lankan diaspora resident in the region of the Persian Gulf. Using the experience of the former as a framework for evaluating the experience of the latter, it illustrates the ways in which the God of nations can work in and through the world's multiplying diasporas to accomplish His Kingdom purposes. Publication Date: Aug 27, 2014 List Price: $7.69 |
The 2011 Triple Disaster in Japan and the Diaspora: Lessons Learned and Ways Forward The catastrophic March 11, 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami not only devastated that region of Japan but also triggered several potentially even more disastrous Fujishima nuclear power incidents. Even as geological specialists, nuclear physicists, economic advisors, political pundits, sociological analysts, and humanitarian organizers grapple with these tragic events and their aftermath, a Christian response includes both asking why such a disaster could occur and determining how best to serve those individuals and communities directly aected. Publication Date: Sept 10, 2014 List Price: $5.95 |
Church Planting Among Immigrants in US Urban Centers: The Where, Why, and How of Diaspora Missiology in Action This book shows patterns of assimilation and integration that are common among immigrant groups and provides tools of cultural research to get out in the city, talk to people, build relationships, gain entrance into these communities, nd leaders, and plant healthy churches. These tools are important because they be carried to any city and put into practice. In some regard, it is impossible to tell somebody how to do ethnic ministry. The only legitimate answer is, “It depends.” This book helps you know what it depends on and how to work eectively in that situation. Publication Date: October 28, 2014 List Price: $7.10 |