

“A Relational Perspective on ‘the Root of Human Problems around the World,’”Commencement Address, William Carey International University, January 4, 2011.

“Multitudes Reaching A People-group by Reconciliation,” JEMA (Japan Evangelical Missionary Association), Annual Retreat, Feb. 14, 2011.

“Riots in the City: Replacing 19th Century Urban Training Models with Relevant Urbanized Training Models for the 21st Century,” (co-presented with Larry W. Caldwell), Evangelical Missiological Society Northwest, March 12, 2011

“The Practice of Diaspora Missions Globally and in Japan locally,” JEMA (Japan Evangelical Missionary Association) Annual Retreat, Feb.15, 2011.

“Relational Paradigm for Ministry in Japanese Context,” JEMA (Japan Evangelical Missionary Association) Annual Retreat, Feb.16.

“Research Methodology for Diaspora Missiology and Diaspora Missions,” Unpublished paper presented at Regional EMS Conference – North Central, February 26, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, Illinois.

“Global Status of Diaspora Ministry,” Webseminar, The Mission Exchange, February 2011, Global Issues Update Download at

“Riots in the City: Replacing 19th Century Urban Training Models with Relevant ‘Urbanized’ Training Models for the 21st Century,” (co-presented with Larry W. Caldwell) at the Northwest Regional EMS Meeting, March 12, 2011.


Korean Diaspora: From Hermit Kingdom to Kingdom Ministry, Korean Diaspora Forum, Seoul, Korea, May 2010, Seoul, Korea.

A CASE STUDY OF CHINESE DIASPORA MISSIONS & CCCOWE,” unpublished paper presented at IFMM (International Forum for Migrant Mission), May 25, 2010, Conference of “Diaspora Mission and Migrant Mission in the World” at Myung Sung Church

“Rethinking Missiology in the context of the 21st Century: Global Demographic Trends and Diaspora Missiology,” Lausanne Diaspora Educators Consultation in Europe, April 16, 2010, OCMS, Oxford, UK.

“Relational Paradigm for Ministry in the Context of 21st Century,” Special Lectureship, May 20, 2010, OCMS, Oxford, UK.

“Korean Diaspora: From Hermit Kingdom to Kingdom Ministry,” Unpublished paper presented at the Korean Diaspora Forum, May 18-21, 2010. Seoul, Korea.

“Diaspora Mission and Migrant Mission in the World” at Myung Sung Church, IFMM – International Forum for Migrant Mission, May 25, 2010, Seoul, Korea.

“Global People and Diaspora Missiology, From Edinburgh 2010 to Tokyo 2010” Plenary session at Tokyo 2010, May 11th-14th 2010, Nakano Sun Plaza, Tokyo. (Video clip accessible @

“Diversity of Ghanaian Diaspora in the USA: Ministering to the Diverse Ghanaian Communities through Ghanaian Congregations,” 2010 North America Missions Leaders Conference.

“Ministering to Scattered Peoples - Moving to Reach the People on the Move,” Cape Town 2010, accessible at


“Ethical Issues in Conducting Missiological Field Research,” (co-presented with Galen Currah), Northwest Regional Conference of EMS, April 18, 2009, International Intercultural Communication Center, Portland, Oregon.

“The Filipino Experience in Diaspora Missions: A Case Study of Christian Communities in Contemporary Contexts,” co-presented Sadiri Joy Tira, Commission VII:  Christian Communities in Contemporary Contexts, Edinburgh, June 12-13.

“A Missio-Relational Reading of Romans,” the DoktorKlub, SAIACS (South Asian Institute of Advanced Christian Studies), Bangalore, India,
August 18.

“Ethical Issues in Conducting Missiological Field Research,” (co-presented with Galen Currah), EMS/CGL Annual Conference, Sept. 17-19, 2009, Orlando, Florida

“Contextual Theology for Missions in Asia,” Overseas Ministries Study Center at Yale University, November 26-30, New Haven, Connecticut.


“The Filipino Experience in Diaspora Missions: A Case Study of Mission Initiatives From the Majority World Churches,” Evangelical Missiological Society Northwest Regional Conference, Portland, OR, Jan. 2008,

“Majority World Harvest among Tibetan Buddhists: Historical Review, Ethnographic Overview, and Dynamic Development,” (co-presented with David Oleson), Evangelical Missiological Society Northwest, IICC, Portland, OR, Jan. 2008,

"Diaspora and Global Missions," A public lecture on January 8, 2008 at Tyndale University College and Seminary in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

“The Protestant Ethic: Comparative Study of Weberian Sociology and Sinological Understanding,” Unpublished paper presented at CAC (China Academic Consortium) Comparative Ethics Conference, Guangdong & Xian, May 2008.

“The Filipino Experience in Diaspora Missions: A Case Study of Mission Initiatives From the Majority World Churches,” Co-presented with Joy Tira, Evangelical Missiological Society National Conference, Minneapolis, Sept. 24-27, 2008.

“Majority World Harvest among Tibetan Buddhists: Historical Review, Ethnographic Overview, and Dynamic Development,” (co-presented with David Oleson), Evangelical Missiological Society National Conference, Minneapolis, Sept. 24-27, 2008.

“A Comparative Study of Sino-American Cognitive & Theological Pattern & Proposed Alternative,” An unpublished paper presented at the Bicentennial Celebration of Christianity to China and Memorial Celebration of Robert Morrison, Los Angeles, California, June 4-7, 2008.  


“Complementary Aspects of Short-term Missions and Long-term Missions: Case Studies for a Win-win Situation,” (co-presented with Geoffrey Hartt), EMS Regional Northwest, IICC, Portland, OR, March 9, 2007.

“Complementary Aspects of Short-term Missions and Long-term Missions: Case Studies for a Win-win Situation,” (co-presented with Geoffrey Hartt), EMS Annual Conference, Minneapolis, Sept. 27-29, 2007.


“Ministry in the Context of Suffering: A Case Study of Southern Sudan.”
Regional Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, Portland, Oregon. (April 2006)

“Ministry in the Context of Suffering: A Case Study of Southern Sudan.” National Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, Orlando Florida. (Sept. 2006)


“The Phenomenon of Diaspora:  Missiological Implications for Christian Missions,” Unpublished paper presented at “Filipino Diaspora Missions Consultation,” Seoul, South Korea, April 12-15, 2004


“Mission among the Chinese Diaspora: A Case Study of Migration and Mission,” American Society Missiology. June 2003, Techny Tower, IL.  


 “Mega Trend of Christian Missions in the 21th Century,” Symposium on Missions,  Hong Kong Association of Christian Missions, January 14-16, Hong Kong.

“Inductive Study on the Life of Jesus,” TEE of Alliance Bible Seminary of HK, Jan. 21-25, Saigon, Vietnam

“Current Trends in Theological Training for Missions,” lectureship for Inter-denomination Joint Meeting at the Bible School campus in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Feb. 17, 2002.

“Integrative Research Methodology, Module for the Ph.D. Program in Intercultural Studies, as Adjunct Professor of Anthropology, Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, MS, Summer 2002.

“Contextual Theology for Chinese Ministry,” Chinese Pastoral Training Program - COCM, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom, summer 2002

“The Rediscovery of Scriptural Christianity,” Unpublished paper presented at CBI Consultation at Worldview Center, Portland, Oregon, August 2, 2002.

“Mission Among the Chinese Diaspora – A Case Study of Migration & Mission,” An unpublished paper presented at the American Society of Missiology, June 21-23, Techny Tower, Chicago.

“Understanding Demonology and Practicing Deliverance Ministry,” Pastors’ Seminary, Hong Kong Association of Christian Missions, January 14-16, Hong Kong

“Spiritual Partnership among Diaspora,” An unpublished paper presented at the Filipino International Network, July 25-28, Singapore.

“Biblical Partnership among Diaspora,” Unpublished paper presented at FIN Global Consultation Program, Changi Conference Centre, Singapore, July 24-27, 2002.

“Cultural Anthropology & Christian Missions,” Summer Module, Christian Witness Theological Seminary, July 19-26, Concord, California.

“The Rediscovery of Scriptural Christianity,” An unpublished paper presented at the CBI Consultation, August 2, 2002, Worldview Center, Portland, Oregon.

“Cross-cultural Counseling,” Module for the Ph.D. Program in Intercultural Studies, as Adjunct Professor of Anthropology, Reformed Theological Seminary, November 5-9, Jackson, MS.

“The Christian Response to Chinese Folk Religion,” IFMA/EMS Annual Meeting, Oct. 3-5, 2002 Orlando, Florida.


“Cross-cultural Communication and Ministry,” Intercultural Leadership Training Seminary, Edmonton Filipino C&MA Church, Alberta, Canada.

“Contextual Chinese Missiology,” Symposium, Canadian Chinese Alliance National Missions Conference, Prairie Bible Institute, Alberta, Canada.

“Ethnicity,” Module for the Ph.D. Program in Intercultural Studies, as Adjunct Professor of Anthropology, Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, MS.

“Contextual Theology for Practical Ministry Among the Chinese,” Winterim Module, as Adjunct Professor of Anthropology & Missions, Alliance Theological Seminary, Nyack, New York.

“Sino-theology: A Case Study of Employing Interdisciplinary Methodology to Formulate Contextual Theology for the Chinese.”  An unpublished paper presented at the EMS/SE Regional Meeting, Toccoa Falls Bible College & Seminary, Georgia, March 16-17, 2001.

“Comparative Religions,” and “Practical Chinese Pastoral Theology,” Chinese Pastoral Training Program, TEE of ABS-Canada, May 3-14, Panama.

“Exploring the Spirituality of Asian Minister: An EMIC Study,” Theological Colloquium, Western Seminary, July 4, 2001

“Contextual Theology for Missions in Asia,” Overseas Ministries Study Center at Yale, November 26-30, New Haven, Connecticut.

Book Review, Witness to Power: Stories of God’s Quiet Work in a Changing China.  By Tetsunao Yamamori and Kim-Kwong Chan. Evangelical Missions Quarterly, 37:4, pp.532-534.

“Cross-cultural Counselling,”  Module for the Ph.D. Program in Intercultural Studies, as Adjunct Professor of Anthropology, Reformed Theological Seminary, November 5-9, Jackson, MS.

“Culture and Missions” in Christianity and Chinese Cultural Renewal: A Compendium Symposium Volume. P. 7-19, Great Commission Center International. Argyle, Texas.

“The Mission Classroom as Academy/Conclave.” An unpublished Paper Presented at the American Society of Professors of Missions, Techny Tower, Chicago, June 16, 2000.

Book review, Understanding Folk Religion: A Christian Response to Popular Beliefs and Practices (by Tiénou, Tite, Paul G. Hiebert, and R. Daniel Shaw), Evangelical Missions Quarterly 25:45.


“Sino-theology: Contextual Theology for the Chinese,” An unpublished paper presented at the Faculty Forum, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Wenham, MA. January 1999.

“Systematic methodology in contextual theology for Chinese” in Modernity, Change in Tradition and Theological Reflections: A collection of Papers Presented at the First and Second Han-Yu Theologian Round-Table Symposium” pp. 183-204. Tao Fong Shan Christian Centre Ltd., Hong Kong.

“Christianity in the Context of Pluralistic Chinese Culture and Monolithic Hua-Saar Culture.”  An unpublished paper presented at the Second Annual Conference on Religion and Philosophy of Chinese Scholars in North America, US Center of World Missions, Pasadena, LA, June 4-7, 1999.

“Contextual Theology for Practical Ministry Among the Chinese,” Chinese Pastoral Training Program - COCM, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom 1999.

Research study (sabbatical leave from Reformed Theological Seminary), Tyndale House, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK.


“Rethinking Missiological Research Methodology: Exploring a new Direction,” An unpublished paper presented at the ETS/EMS Regional Meeting, Columbia International University, Columbia, S.C. March 20-21, 1998.

“The Contributions of Christianity to the Modernization Movement in China.”  An unpublished paper presented at the Second Annual Conference on Religion and Philosophy of Chinese Scholars in North America, The Ricci Institute, University of San Francisco, San Francisco, California, June 5-8.

“The Systematization of the Theological Pursuit for the Chinese: An Exploration.” The 2nd Han-yu Theologians Round Table Symposium, Sabender Bay Resort, Sabah, Malaysia, July 5-1, 1998.

“The Paradigm & Pressing Issues of Interdisciplinary Research Methodology, “An unpublished paper presented at the 50th Anniversary of Evangelical Theological Society, Radisson Twin Towers, Orlando, Florida, Nov. 19-21, 1998.


"Liberating Paradigm-Shift: Theologizing from the East," An unpublished paper presented at the Evangelical  Missiological Society SE Regional Meeting, March 7-8, 1997, Dayton, TN.

"A Case Study of Comparative Analysis of Three Religious Movements in Latin America," An unpublished paper presented at The Evangelical Theological Society SW Regional Meeting, March 21-22, 1997, Dallas, TX.

“A Comparative Study of the Ethical Teachings of Jesus and Confucius.”  An unpublished paper presented at the Second Annual Conference on Religion and Philosophy of Chinese Scholars in North America, Boston University, Boston, MA.

“Cross-cultural Counselling,” Workshop at the CHEPSIS Annual Conference, Grand Canyon University, Phoenix, Arizona.

“General Revelation and Missiology,”  An unpublished paper presented at the Evangelical Theological Society 49th Annual Meeting, Santa Clara, California, Nov. 20-22, 1997.

“Sino-theology: Contextual Theology for the Chinese,” An unpublished paper presented at the Faculty Forum, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Wenham, MA.

“A High View of Culture for Christian Missions,” An opening address at The 21th Century Strategy Consultation of International Chinese Ministry, Great Commission Center in Copper Valley, Texas.

“Vision & Action for International Filipino Ministries,” An unpublished paper presented at the Filipino International Networking Consultation, Midland, Texas.

“General Revelation & Missiology," An unpublished paper presented at the Evangelical Theological Society Annual Meeting (Nov.20-22), Santa Clara, California.

“Spiritual Warfare & Christian Witness,” An unpublished paper presented at the Second Annual Training Conference of the "Overseas Chinese School of Servanthood (Dec. 25-30), USCWM, Pasadena, California.

“Biblical Principle of Christian Marriage,”  An unpublished paper presented at the Second Annual Training Conference of the "Overseas Chinese School of Servanthood (Dec. 25-30), USCWM, Pasadena, California.


“The Importance of Anthropological Training in Cross-cultural Ministries.”  An unpublished paper presented at the Christianity and China Symposium, Sponsored by ERRC, San Francisco, California, February.

Serving on the “Declaration Committee” and translated the Chinese edition, at the GCOWE ’95 of AD 2000 & Beyond Movement” in Seoul, Korea.

"Spiritual Dynamics in Trinitarian Missiology," An unpublished paper presented at the EMS Southeast Regional Meeting, Mobile, AL, March 15-16, 1996.

“A Comparative Study on the Cultural Differences of the Local-Born Chinese and Overseas-Born Chinese,” An unpublished paper presented at the First National Conference of Local-Born Chinese, Calgary, Canada, Sept.

"The Protestant Ethic and Chinese Culture - A Comparative Study," An unpublished paper presented at The Third Symposium of Chinese-Western Philosophy & Religion Studies, University of Beijing, October, 1996, Beijing, China.

"A Comparative Study of the Ethical Teachings of Jesus and Confucius," An unpublished paper presented at The Third Symposium of Chinese-Western Philosophy & Religion Studies, University of Beijing, October, 1996, Beijing, China.

“Cross-cultural Ethics,” An unpublished paper presented at the Key-note Address of CHEPSIS Annual Conference, Trinity College, Illinois, October.

“Missionary Pneumatology: Towards an Understanding of Spiritual Dynamics in Missions from a Trinitarian Perspective." An unpublished Paper Presented at the Evangelical Theological Society meeting, Jackson, MS.  November 21-23, 1996.


“Chinese Pastoral Theology.”  A Winterim module, taught as Guest Lecturer, Alliance Theological Seminary, Nyack, New York, January.

"Personal and Professional Preparation for Cross-cultural Ministry,"  Workshop, Metro-Toronto Chinese Alliance Churches Joint Missionary Conference. Canada.

"The Giving and Receiving in Ministry to International Students in the Context of American Institutions of Higher Education," Workshop at The Fourth Annual Conference of CHEPSIS,  Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, IL.

“Contextual Chinese Missiology,” Symposium, Canadian Chinese Alliance National Missions Conference, Prairie Bible Institute, Alberta, Canada, Summer 1995.

"Family Enrichment Seminar," Edmonton Vietnamese Alliance Church, Alberta, Canada.

“A Critique of Charles Kraft's use / misuse  of communication and social science in biblical interpretation and missiological formulation,"  Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Missiological Society, Philadelphia, PA.

"Horizon of Inter-philosophical Dialogue: A Paradigmatic Comparative Study of the Ameri-European & The Sino-Asian Cognitive Patterns/Processes."  Unpublished paper presented at The Second Symposium of Chinese-Western Philosophy and Religious Studies, October 4-6, 1995, Beijing, China.

"Defending or Defrauding the Faith: A Paradigmatic Comparison of the Theology of Religions of Hendrik Kraemer & John Hick," A paper presented at the 47th Annual Meeting of the ETS, November 16-18, 1995 Philadelphia Airport Radisson Hotel.


"Occult Phenomena in Chinese Culture,"  Guest Lecture, Chinese Bi-cultural & Pastoral Ministries Program, Alliance Theological Seminary, Nyack, New York.

“What Denominational Leadership Should Know but Never Have Been Told,” An unpublished paper presented at the First National Conference on Inter-cultural Ministries, Toronto, Canada, January.

"Chinese Theological Thought," Winterim Course, Alliance Theological Seminary, Nyack, New York.

“Cross-cultural Mission,” A workshop for Pastoral Workers of the Chinese Mennonite Association of Vancouver, BC, Canada.

"Ethnohermeneutics: It's Necessity and Difficulty for all Christians of all Times," An unpublished paper presented at the 46th Annual Meeting of ETS on November 17-19, 1994, Chicago, IL.

“From Recruiting to Recommissioning of International Students: A Form of CHEPSIS serventhood and a Neglected Component of Missiological Strategy of World Evangelization,” at the Fifth Conference of CHEPSIS, John Brown University, Siloam Springs, Arkansas.


“The Chinese Worldview,” Reformed Theological Seminary,
March 25, 1993

“Western Christianity of Chinese in North America.” An unpublished paper presented at the Theological Education for Laity, Ottawa Chinese Alliance Church, Ottawa, Canada, April.

“Issues Related to Cross-Cultural Evangelism and Cross-Cultural Counselling.” An unpublished paper presented at the Annual Missions Conference, Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, MS. September.

“Spiritual Formation Chinese Style: A Case Study of Contextualized Practical Chinese Theology.”  An unpublished paper presented at the First Consultation on Theological Education of Chinese in North America. Chinese Churches Congress on World Evangelization (CCCOWE), Los Angels, California, February.


“Contextual Theology for Practical Ministry Among the Chinese,” Winterim Module, as Adjunct Professor of Anthropology & Missions, Alliance Theological Seminary, Nyack, New York, January 1992

“Mission Resources in Canadian Chinese Churches,” An unpublished paper presented at the Symposium on Missions, Chinese Missionary Convention of Canada, Langley, B.C., Canada, August.

“Chinese Churches Ministering to American-Born-Chinese.”  An unpublished paper presented at the Ministry Consultation co-sponsored by the Chinese Churches Congress on World Evangelization (CCOWE) and Fellowship of American Chinese Evangelicals (FACE), San Francisco, California, March.

"Practical Understanding of American Culture for International Students," Workshop at the Second Annual Conference of Christian Higher Education Professionals Serving International Students (CHEPSIS), Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois, April.


“A Survey on Missions of Canadian Chinese Alliance Churches.” An unpublished paper presented at the Pastors’ Conference of the Canadian Chinese Alliance Churches Committee, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada, June.

“Practical Understanding of American Culture for International Students.”  An unpublished paper presented at the Second Annual Conference of Christian Higher Education Professionals Serving International Students (CHEPSIS), Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois, October.

“The Trinitarian Model: A Case Study of Interdisciplinary Integration.” An unpublished paper presented at the Faculty Forum, Canadian Theological Seminary, Regina, Sask., Canada, November.

“The Challenge and Opportunities of the 1990s for the Chinese Churches in Canada.” An unpublished paper presented at the Thirty First CCCYWC, Prairie Bible College and Seminary, Prairie, Alberta, Canada, December.


“Albert Schweitzer: A Challenge to the Evangelicals in Serventhood.”  An unpublished paper presented at the Centennial Celebration of the Christian & Missionary Alliance, Canadian Theological Seminary, Regina, Sask., Canada, January.

“Ethnic Receptivity Factors,” in Reclaiming a Nation: The Challenge of Re-Evangelizing Canada by the year 2000” pp. 117-132. edited by Arnell Motz, Church Leadership Lirary, Richmond, B.C., Canada..

“Christian Parenting of Vietnamese in Canada.”  An unpublished paper presented at the Consultation on Vietnamese Ministry, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, August.

“Principle and Practice of Christian Counselling.” An unpublished paper presented at the Canadian Chinese College Youth Winter Conference, Banff, Alberta, Canada, December.


"A Critique of Western Theology and A Preliminary Exploration in Contextualized Theology for Australian," Theology Lectureship, Alliance Theological College, Canberra, ACT, Australia.


"An Examination of Selected Asian Theologians and the Proposed Agenda for Contextualized Asian Theology,"  Annual Lectureship, Alliance Biblical Seminary, Manila, Philippines.

"Demonology, Demonization and Deliverance Ministry for Filipino," Annual Lectureship, Alliance Biblical Seminary, Manila, Philippines.

“A Critique of Western Theology and the Alternatives of Contextualized Asian Theology," Theology Lectureship, Ebenezer Bible College and Seminary, Zamboanger, Philippines.

"Demonology, Demonization and Deliverance Ministry for Filipino," Pastoral Studies Lectureship, Ebenezer Bible College and Seminary, Zamboanger, Philippines.

"Applied Anthropology for Cross-Cultural Worker," Guest Lectureship Series, Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary, Manila, Philippines.

"Demonology, Demonization and Deliverance Ministry for Filipino,"  Guest Lectureship Series for Ed.D. Studies, Asian Theological Seminary, Manila, Philippines.


"The Protestant Ethic and Chinese Culture - A Comparative Assessment," An unpublished paper presented at The Second Annual Conference on Christianity & Chinese Culture, Regent College, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

“The Confucian Ethic and the Chinese Cultural Attitudes Towards Work," An unpublished paper presented at The Second Annual Conference on Christianity & Chinese Culture, Regent College, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

“Towards An Understanding of the Chinese Christian Church in Canada, 1858-1987,”  An unpublished paper presented at the Chinese Coordination Centre of World Evangelism – North American Commission of Chinese Evangelicals, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, August.


“Western Christianity of Chinese in North America.” An unpublished paper presented at the Theological Education for Laity, Ottawa Chinese Alliance Church, Ottawa, Canada, April 1986.

“Practical Anthropology in Christian Missions,” An unpublished paper presented   at the Theological Education for the Laity, Ottawa Chinese Alliance Church, Ottawa, Canada. April.


“A Comparative Study on the Cultural Differences of the Local-Born Chinese and Overseas-Born Chinese,” An unpublished paper presented at the First National Conference of Local-Born Chinese, February 1985, Calgary, Canada.


“A Comparative Study on the Cultural Differences of he Local-Born Chinese and Overseas-Born Chinese,”  An unpublished paper presented at the First National Conference of Local-Born Chinese, Calgary, Canada.


"Applied Anthropology for Cross-Cultural Worker," Annual Lectureship, Baptist Bible College & Seminary, Penang, Malaysia.